The Whispering Bobcast

Episode 3 - Featuring Lukas Nelson, Todd Snider and Emily Barker


Born and raised in a small town in Western Australia, folk singer Emily Barker relocated to England in her 20s. Barker’s sixth full-length release, her latest album, A Dark Murmuration of Words, is a timely exploration of climate change, racism, sexism, and myths of economic progress through the lens of what it means to return “home.”

You don’t often hear about an artist reinventing their sound eighteen albums into a celebrated career. But for Americana singer-songwriter Todd Snider, his latest release, First Agnostic Church of Hope and Wonder, isn’t so much a sudden change in direction as an arrival after years of searching.

Lead singer of country rock band Lukas Nelson & Promise of the Real. Their new album, A Few Stars Apart, is a testament to finding a human connection: between close family and friends, as well as one’s own heart. These 11 songs reveal what it means to come home again, to be still, and to find community—and yourself.

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